New Westminster Translation Services

New Westminster Translation Services proudly offers language translation services in New Westminster to serve our BC translation clients better than ever. We recognize that translations in New Westminster deserve attention, and want to make sure that businesses and people alike know there is a dependable language translation service ready to serve New Westminster.

We're proud to say that we can translate in the following languages:

And over 100+ more!


We have 3000 translators on call waiting to take your English to French, Korean translation, Asian language translation, or any other translation in the following formats:

New Westminster Financial Translations
Statement of Assets, Merger documents, quarterly reports
New Westminster Marketing Translations
Promotional flyers, infographics, brochures, business cards
New Westminster Website Translations
Homepage, contact information, website copy, testimonials, mission statements
New Westminster Legal Translations
Statements, copyright, evidence documents, agreements, depositions
New Westminster HR/Policy Translations
Employee handbooks, safety training, policies and procedures, fire drills
New Westminster Interpreter Services
Court interpreting, delegate and tour escorts, sign language
New Westminster Medical Translations
Blood work, medical histories, dental records, diagnoses
New Westminster Document Translations
Birth certificates, marriage documents, educational transcripts, immigration papers
3000+ translators in over 150 languages on call!

We service New Westminster the same way we do business everywhere else. We focus on great quality, fast turn around and unmatched customer service:

  1. Round the Clock Help
    • Contact us either online, in person, or on the phone at any time that works for you.
  2. Emergency Translations
    • We have the tools to stay calm and act accordingly in emergency situations where time is of the essence.
  3. Strong Network
    • Our combination of educated staff, professional translators, online resources , and work ethic provide an atmosphere where translations are done on time and on budget.
  4. Convenient to Order
    • We have a toll free number you can call and an online quote order to get started with us. If you need help, someone help will be in contact with you shortly.
  5. Global Reach
    • We're happy to do business across the world or down the street. We're ready, willing, and able to take one jobs other places turn down.

We have the experience, resources, and network to finish translation projects efficiently so that you can move onto other important tasks that deserve attention. Your translation will be in good hands in New Westminster with Click here to get a quote and someone will be in touch with shortly. We look forward to working with you!


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